Why Lulu?

You’ll find my variety of journals are all available for purchase through a website called Lulu.

When I started publishing journals, I was only aware of Amazon’s platform called Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP for short). That is where I started designing, starting with a journal for Pixel Art and moving on to journals designed for instrumentalists such as flautists, trumpeters, and sax players. I thought I was off to a great start and I was so excited that my designs were available to purchase on Amazon.

Then came an email from Amazon with the shocking sentences: “During a recent audit of your account, we found content and/or activities that are in violation of our Terms and Conditions. Therefore, we are closing your account effective immediately.”

I had no idea what I might have done wrong, and the email didn’t explain how I had erred. I reached out to ask what they meant and how I could fix it, only to find how devoid Amazon is of human life. There was no explanation, just repeated messages saying that their findings were final. Nothing could be done to fix it. My hopes were dashed. I had been having so much fun designing! Now what?!!!

Not about to give up, I searched for companies similar to Amazon KDP. Among options such as Barnes and Noble, Ingram Spark, BookBaby, and Draft2Digital, I came across Lulu and gave them a try, since they could publish hard copies of journals without requiring me to order a minimum to get started.

Curious to see the quality of paper through this company, I ordered a sample of one of my designs and headed to my local discount stores to stock up on a variety of pens to test out. I was quite pleased that very few of these pens bled through the pages or smeared as I wrote. It was official: Lulu was my publisher of choice!

The one setback of publishing through Lulu is that their shipping times can’t compare with Amazon, and my customers can’t avoid the shipping fees by signing up for Prime. But I did discover that Lulu often has discount codes, which doesn’t affect my profits but is a nice perk that Amazon doesn’t offer my customers. If you’re curious what the current coupon code is, head over to:


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